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Final reflection and information

I would like to cordially invite you to visit my website HERE The portfolio I created shows female bodies differing from each other to a large extent, which mainly aims to show that all bodies, although different and have different imperfections, are beautiful and that women should not be ashamed of their appearance. I took over 300 photos from which I chose 15 and I edited each photo only to a small extent improving only Exposure and Gamma Correction in Adobe photoshop. Thanks to this project, I learned a lot about the human body, art movement-feminist art and body positivity. The knowledge I gained will definitely be useful in my future work. I also learned a lot about photography and learned to use the camera's manual settings, which I will definitely use in future projects. The experience I gained this year is wonderful and certainly will be useful in the future years of my activity and studies. It was hard and stressful however when I see the progress I have made,

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