Camera practice

In the post below I would like to show you some of my practice photographs. These are primarily black and white photos, although I also took several in colour. I tried to learn and practice more about exposure what was quite challenging outside while was really sunny weather. Photographs are not perfect and I need to practice more, but I really like some of them and the process of creating was enjoyable. Below I will present the contact sheet and some photos which I chose. 

It is quite a lot of photos on contact sheets but I choose just a few of them and below I will present them with all their settings. 

The photos I took were a kind of exercise after I gained basic knowledge in the field of photography. These are my first photos in the field which I made on manual settings. I took these pictures for the purpose of exposure. I wanted to do them the best, and although they are not perfect, I like them very much. One of my favourites from this session is the fourth photo, which I haven't sharpened especially, which in my opinion adds to the soul of this photo and although my shadow it is visible, I really like the photo.

I think that by taking these pictures I learned to use the manual mode in the camera even though I had some problems at first. Ultimately, I can say that I like the work I have done.


  1. okay good that you have practiced more and added settings now you need to discuss the technical settings and how you would improve these . You have much research and work to do on your blog - you are quite behind here


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