My website continuation

Hello again!

My last blog post was about my website, today I will experiment with different tools and options. I want to find the way how I will post my major project on the site. I Wix we have a lot apps and options to create something really interesting.

First of all I tried a few options of putting videos on the website, but it is not the way which I want to go, because it does not look good. Bellow I want to show you the thing which I created to see different options of showing videos on the page.

I know that it look ridiculous, but it is just preview version. I do like a little bit the way how look this left movie but I want to find something what will be on the whole width of the grey field.

I tried to find an inspiration or other website where video is put like I want to do it. I found something like this:

I think this effect look really interesting but I do not want to put my video on all screen, just in the centre of the page with space above and below.

This is how more of less I want to look my major project on the website. Maybe narrower to see the background too, but it is effect which I want to achieve.

I think this one fit the most with my vision but I am a little scared that video quality would be damaged because of stretched to the full width of website.


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