Research pt 4.

In the post below I would like to introduce you to the last part of my research which I claimed to prepare to create my final project

The last author I will discuss is Ana Casas Broda. She is a Mexican photographer known for her work Kinderwunsch (2013). This work was created over seven years showing the charms of motherhood and how a woman's body changes during pregnancy. And this is the motive that inspired me because in her work she showed herself one hundred percent natural without any photoshop processing.

Kinderwunsch (2013) is my only inspiration that is not black and white. The colours are vivid showing beautiful time spent with children while playing. The colours are very saturated, which may refer to the colourful youth that she wants to give her offspring. Photos on which I focus will present the author herself, not photos with children.

This photo shows the author in a bathtub with a focus on her body. We can see that the edges of the bathtub are blurred, which may mean that the author did not want to pay attention to them. Light colours, which I associate with happiness, predominate. We can see that the woman has a big belly, which means that soon the time of birth will come or that she is just giving birth in a bathtub. The lighting is strong and the brightest elements are body parts protruding from the water. This is the first photo I chose because it shows the author's body during pregnancy and I wanted to show how her body changed after that time.

The next photo I noticed is the photo above. It presents a kneeling woman, we can see that she is not pregnant as in the previous photo and we can see how the female body looks after pregnancy. The author is not ashamed of it because she is proud of her children and is happy that they are in the world. She doesn't mind "sacrificing" the body for her sons. Broda is heavily lit in the centre of the photo, the rest of the photo is dark. The light strictly illuminates only her body, which shows that she is the most important element of the photo. It is kneeling that I associate with breakdown and sadness, but not with surrender because you can see how hard she tries to support with her hands.

The last photo shows Broda's portrait against a dark background, however, the whole background and her character are well lit leaving only a shadow on the left side of the body. The author is painted on the face and body with felt-tip pens that show the time well spent with children. She looks tired but she doesn't regret the time spent with the children. The woman is topless, and we can see the stretchmarks her breasts which she is not ashamed of. She accepts what she looks like and doesn't cover them, it's a natural matter for her, which is often forgotten nowadays and women showing their natural body are often criticized instead of being supported. Therefore, I associate these photos with my project in which I want to show not only a slim body "without flaws" but also a body that has such flaws.


CMS CDMX, (2019). Ana Casas Broda. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 June 2020].

Foto Feminas, (n.d). Ana Casas Broda "Kinderwunsch" (2013). [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 8 June 2020].


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