Equipment and software


In the post below I will discuss the equipment I used and software which helped me to create my project.

I used a well-known Canon camera to create photos. It was Canon 700D, which I usually worked during specialization sessions. I think that this camera works well for photos in the studio but also for field sessions. I did the photo sessions in the studio. Unfortunately, I'm not a professional, so these photos did not work out as perfectly as I wanted.

To process these photos, I used the well-known Adobe Photoshop CC, which can cause many problems for some users, including myself. I am still learning how to use this application so the processing took me a little more time than people familiar with this software.

To put everything together, I will use a canva website that lets you create a magazine/editorial

Then after creating the editorial, I'll put everything in yumpu:

Or flipsnack:

To create a magazine from this and the last step in my project journey will be put my portfolio onto behance:


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