

In this post I want to discuss some settings which I want to try to create my major project. I researched information about composition what I think is really important thing if it common about video making.

One of the most-known composition is Rule of Thirds, what mean you put the frame that divides the image into three section horizontally and three vertically and you should put the main object in the place where the lines intersect, what focuses the attention of audiences. Below I put example how to use the Rule of Thirds

Second thing what I want to discuss is Leading Lines, what is imaginary lines which lead focus of audiences to the main point of the photo. The most basic place where you can do a photo using this technique is street tunnel or park. Like in the photo below.

I think I will use the most the compositions which I present above to create my video, but it is still a lot things which I need to search.

One of this things is editing. At the moment I think I will use the simple program which is Movie Maker.

I think this program is the best for me for this project because we do not have a lot time and this one is not that complicated as Premiere Pro which I wanted use. 

Next things what I think about are some different types of shots as close ups, medium shots and long shots. Orientation as foreground and background. Title and ends credits. 


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