Sequential images what is this?

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Sequential images.

The sequential images show us motion, action step by step, they are putting in logical order. This type of images are narrative by photographer and he can decided  what to show us. The sequential images was a beginning of movies. We can say that such a small thing have a results in history of cinematography

One of the first sequential images was directed by Eadweard Muybridge

Adjutant Walking (1887) 

Man Riding Jumpinng Horse (1887)

Sequential images can show us short funny stories like photo created by an American documentary/ street photographer Elliott Erwitt

central park, new york by elliott erwitt

The question is, why I chose this artists... I can explain it now. For me, during choosing artist was important that they were one of the first people who created sequential images. I think Eadweard Muybridge did really good work with the photoshoting walking adjutant and a man who riding and jumping horse, because he captured in the picture motion what was hard to do in the past. My second choice was Elliott Erwitt because when I saw the pictures with title 'Central Park, New York (1990)' I started smiling. This picture causes positive emotions so I needed to choose it. I think this photo is really good, but in my opinion between two last photos missing one photo where we could see moment of falling to the water.

 On the first lecture in our course we got the task to do a sequential images in small group as a homework. We had a lot of ideas how to do that, unfortunately weather thwarted our plans, so we had to change our idea. First of all we thought about throwing out leaves from our hands towards the other person. Like in the sketch below.

Finaly, we decided to use bad weather and Alex did photos of me when I opened the umbrella, what can show that even bad weather can inspired to create something. We did not modify photos to show natural colours and that even inexperienced person can make interesting things. The finish look is not perfect, but I really like it. As for photos taken with the phone which do not taken good photos of motion, I am glad of that. 

I like how this photos look like, but if I could do it again I think I would do something different. Maybe same motive but in the different place and would change it a little bit in the program for photo editing to sharpen colours and add some effects.  used Photoshop only to connect photos together and we did not use any specific settings in the phone.


  1. You have included some research in the blog post. However, you need to state why you are looking at them and how they are relevant to your work. Please make sure you add commentary on the research and images and reference all the images.

    Furthermore, you need to add more technical details. Have you used any specific settings on your phone, and what software did you use to create the final outcome? Make sure you add screenshots of the process.


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