
Hello there!

In this week we got a task to create an advertisement in small groups. I am in group with Dana and Weronika, and we choose to create our own photos to put it in an advertisement.  In this post I will introduce you how we chose and create our advert. 

Our plan was advertisement which will encourage people to read a books. Together with Dana, we tried to make two different posters in Photoshop and finally we chose one. 

Our inspiration was Polish social campaigne named 'Cała Polska czyta dzieciom' because this social campaigne encouraged adult people to read books for their children. The poster of this event looked like this:

I started my planning  from research in the web to find red "royal" cushion. First of all I found 2 beautiful cushions which fit with that what I had in my mind, unfortunately these were too difficult to cut it in Photoshop for me. Below I will add these photos to show you how they look:

                                                Left one                                   Right one

I tried to cut it for an hour, but they do not look good so then I started looking for another one. And I found a gorgeous one which was easier to cut. It is this one: 

To cut cushion from the background I tried using the Magic Wand Tool but it marked the wrong area so I changed the tool and I used Quick Selection Tool.

The next step was choosing the best photo of the book, what was challengeing too because we did a lot photos of it in the dark background which hindered it later excision. The book which we used to create the advertisement is book with title: Fashion in makeup, from ancent to modern.

We chose this one in the library because it looks old fashioned/vintage and it fits the most to our idea. 

In choosing our photos we did not have any problems, because during to doing them, we had an idea how our advertisement would look. Everyone of us had chosen an emotion which we had to show. We were guided by this drawing:

We wanted to show that books can show you a different world, can send you on a journey into the unknown beautiful place and can affect of your emotions. Everyone might feel it and experience that wonderful and unique feeling. 

After all, the end result is slightly different from the one in the sketch, but I think it looks good. I changed a little our advert during doing  The result of our work I will show you in the next post, so I  recommend to look there! 

In the end, I created contact sheet to show how the pictures were chosen:


  1. More technical detail is needed here. What tools did you use in Photoshop? Did you use a camera or a phone to take photographs? Have you used any specific settings on your phone? You also need to source and reference the images you have used.

    The contact sheet with notes works well and explains your thought process during the project effectively.


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