Advertisement continuation

Hello again!

This post is the continuation of the last one so I hope that you read it and you are up to date. Below I want to introduce you to that how I created and editing the advertisement.
First of all I want to say that I had a lot of fun created that. I learned how to use Photoshop and I think it can be used in the future projects. In the beginning it was really hard for me and I wanted to give up, but fortunately curiosity won with difficulty.

I want to show you step by step how I edited our advertisement and in the end, I will show you the end effect. I hope you will like it and I did not wasted my time. 

During editing I did screen shots which I want to present to you. Every screen shots are numbered how they were done step by step. When I am looking at these screens everything seems to be easy, but in practice it is more complicated and it takes a lot time to do it the best I could.

  • In the three first screen shots I cut us for the background. I used for this Quick Selection Tool. I did it because later I needed to paste us to the selected background with vintage colour and teksture. 
  • The next step was placed us in the appropriate background and blur us to look like in the five spicture. I used gradient to do this effectively. I think it really fit here.
  • Subsequently, I cut from the background the cushion and the book. 
  • Then I pasted them in the place where were all of us .
  • Almost at the end was using brightness setting to bright us a little to fit with other  things on the poster.
  • After that I add the sunshine effect on the book what look for me amazing.
  • The last step was writing the sentence what you can see below.

I really like how it looks. I am proud of our idea and work which I put to do it. I think it is exaclty what I wanted achieve doing that advertisement. Maybe it is not the most proffesional work, but I think that this advertisement can attract attention, what is the main objective in the advertisements. I hope you would agree with me and you like it too. 

The biggest problem during creating this advert was creating objects from the background because it looked unnatural, so I tried to align the edges using mask layer and pen to cover every imperfection from cutting.


  1. A good post about the technical process of your project. What tools did you use to cut out the subjects from the background and did you encounter any problems? A useful tool to explore which you could use for future projects is the refine edge tool. Sometimes you will find that bits of unwanted background will cling to the subject's outline, especially in areas with much detail such as hair. In the process of removing the background, you can lose some of this edge detail, which makes the subject look like a Photoshop cut-out. The refine edge tool helps you to modify an initial selection and helps retain more detail.


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