Equipment and contact sheets.

In the post below I would like to tell some information about my equipment which I am using to create my project and show some test photos.

First of all, I wanted to create my project by phone, which at this point I think it is complicated to find good apps which will show manual settings and will allow you to create the photo how you want it to look.
I changed my mind and decided to borrow the camera from my friend which is Nikon Cooplix P520.
In the first place, I decided to try to get to know this camera better, so I did some test photos with automatic mode. These photos were few autoportraits which show me how colours look on this camera.
After that, I decided to change my settings to manual and at the beginning, I had a lot of problems to set everything right because it was my first try with manual settings.

After a few trials of doing photos and getting to know my equipment better, I decided to search for some information about manual camera settings and I found the video on YouTube from which I learned some basics information about how to do it. The video is from David Manning and includes basic info about ISO, shutter speed and aperture.

After watching this video I tried to do some more photos, but this time I used the knowledge I gained from this short video.

Some photos are made in colour and some in black and white because I wanted to try both techniques. Finally, more is in black and white because it is the way I am creating my project. In the next post, I will show some photos which I made out with my friend of course with all precautions as recommended.


  1. Good that you have practiced but what settings did you use? What were you trying to achieve - you should have some test shots here to discuss


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