Final portfolio.


In this post, I will show you the last steps which I did to create my final portfolio. I will show you the journey I made by creating the final version of my portfolio.

I made the magazine on, because this option was free, and I think that this site works very well. It is transparent and easy to use. I already had experience with this site, therefore it shortened the time of my work on the final result, but despite this, I spent a lot of time finishing the project because I wanted it to look perfect.

The first step to creating the magazine was choosing a cover sheet, and then customize it:

After doing a screenshot I changed the colour, so in final version colour is different.

After choosing the cover and its processing, it was time to continue working on the interior of the magazine. The main colour is grey and its various shades. I think that it goes very well with the style of the pictures I took.

After finishing work on texts, photos, pages design, it's time to create the last page that closes the magazine:

After finishing work on the magazine, I saved the pages in a PDF version - which I later used to create a flipbook, and in a JPG version - to be able to upload everything on

To create a flipbook I used a page called Unfortunately, I was unable to download the flipbook, which is why I put a link to it in my project on

Finally, on I posted pictures in JPG and a flipbook link. I am disappointed that I was unable to download my flipbook portfolio and put it in the final form on, but I am very pleased with the results of my work.


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