20 ideas in 20 minutes.

Hello there!

In this post I want to present the short exercise which we did on the last class of Media Project I. We tried thinking of 20 ideas in 20 minutes, what should help improve our creativity.

I am not proud of these ideas, because I felt pressing of time, but I know exercises like that are good for our mind. So, among the ideas that appear above, I like the most:
  • Portraits with specific theme (colours)
  • Photography of street and daily activities 
  • short film about mental issues (depression)

For this post I chose to describe the photography project idea. I chose the portraits with specific theme what I meant one colour detail like picture below made by Germany photographer Silent-view and model Fraulein von Rosenfelde.

These photos were made as an art project in cooperation with photographer Silent-view and model Fraulein von Rosenfelde. Usually they use specific themes, places and fashion. What I like in these pictures is that eye catching attention to one colour. Backgrounds and light go well with each other.


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