

My name is Anna Longawa, I am from Poland and my family city is named Sanok, it is a small but beautiful place. I started studying at De Montfort University International College, and this project will be a 40% of my end assessment. I think this task is really creative. I wanted to start blogging earlier but I have never had a motivation to do that. I will write here everything about my results of study, my inspiration, searching, every progress what I did. 

All my childhood I wanted doing something artistic like: drawing, painting, singing. I knew that in the future I will do something associated with arts but always I was undecided what make me the most happy. In the high school I gave up the thought of becoming an artist and I started thinking about becoming a doctor or pharmacist. I was not happy about that but I thought it was the best way. Fortunately I started to thinking about studying abroad thanks my friend. And now I think I am in good place.

I love arts, music, fashion, abstraction and animals. I really like watching recordings and photos of dancers, they are my inspiration. The same is with martial arts, every photos of dancers and people who training martial arts shows a lot of motion what makes them really interesting. People can thinking what move were next and it can improve creative thinking and imagination.

 photo by: Vadim Stein

photo by: Lois Greenfield

Second thing what inspiring me is fashion, models and fashion bloggers. I think that by fashion can be expressing yourself, your character, tastes, emotions. I like the most photos where I can see presentated  product, character and creativity of model and photographer.

photo by: Miles Aldridge

photo by: Erik Madigan Heck


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