Major project changed idea


Unfortunately, I had to change my idea for my major project what was a really stressful experience and I did not know what to do because I was satisfied for thinking how to create a short story about depression. I really felt this topic and I thought that I would do it like I wanted. 

I will try to do my best to create something interesting and worth watching. I am stressed and I am afraid that it would not be the best thing to do. I named this 'Motion in Leicester' or 'Leincester in motion'. I am not sure which one sounds better. My inspiration is JR Alli with his video about London:

My second inspiration can be Benjamin Mollier with his video about Paris:

I want to show the beauty of Leicester, interesting places, nature, night life and night views.  I will use for it my phone and then, I will try to use two or three different softwares to editing it. It will be: Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve and maybe Movie Maker. 

To create it the best I can, I will try using different cuts, shots and transitions. Preparing to create my major project I will learn some tricks, how to fully use potential of phone and places. I want to learn about composition, lights and editing movies.


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